Responsible Orgonomy
by Petros Evdokas,
Exchanges with Jerry Decker, of on the need for Regulating Orgonomy and about the Environmental responsibilities that come with "cloudbusting"
Legal dimensions and other concerns in relation to Freedom of Speech, and a Letter-Writing Campaign conducted by Joel Carlinsky, a student of Eva Reich
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I am one of the volunteers in the Collective that operates the domain "", which earlier this year donated email services to Joel Carlinsky in order to assist with his campaign of promoting responsible practices and environmental awareness within the field of Orgonomy.
A few days ago I received a letter from Jerry Decker complaining about letters he's been receiving from the address that he considers to be spam, urging us to terminate that email service and threatening legal action against us. Here is the whole letter, verbatim; please note that it's accompanied by a signature that contains advertisements for various products:
Subject: spam and abuse
Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2011
From: "Jerry Decker"
Cc: orgonomic.ecology@etaireia.orgHola!
There is a nutcase named Joel Carlinsky who is using this email;
to spam me and others...despite repeated requests and DEMANDS that he stop, he continues.
I could not find your abuse policy but I'm asking that you terminate his service on grounds of abuse.
I've grown weary of asking him and TELLING HIM TO LOSE MY EMAIL address and yet he persists with his posts.
Could someone there please just terminate his account before I have to result to legal action against your company and against him?
If you allow him to continue, then you are COMPLICIT and are aiding and abetting his pathological behavior, thus you are equally culpable.
Simply read through his emails and you will see how he is using your service for his demented ends.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Jerry Decker @ Keelynet
As always, Research continues....Nos vemos (seeya!)
Jerry @ Keelynet in Mexico
"I prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery!"
from Jerry Decker @
Hope through Science and Invention
Order out of Chaos - From an Art to a Science
Donations :
Books/Videos :
MexiStim Energy Stimulator
Vanguard Sciences (eBooks and DVDs)
In response to the above letter I asked Jerry Decker to send me samples of the offending letters. He sent me a copy of a letter which consisted in its entirety of an article published online by Joel Carlinsky and titled:
ATTACK OF THE LIBERTARIANS studied all the relevant materials and I sent Jerry the following response. If you have any thoughts, feelings, comments, questions, suggestions, feedback of any kind on this or any relevant issue I would appreciate hearing from you. Please write to me at:
petros@cyprus-org.netThank you,
Petros Evdokas
______________Subject: About the unwanted letters from / Re: spam and abuse
Date: Thursday, December 1, 2011From: "Petros Evdokas"
To: "Jerry Decker"About the unwanted letters from
Hello Jerry,
I have read through the letter you sent me that was sent to you from the address , thank you. I've also examined some of the relevant areas of your website at the domain.I have the following remarks to make. They are in relation to that specific letter (and letters of its kind), plus about the wider general situation, and some of its legal dimensions.
1. It appears from the materials on your website that are right on your homepage, under the title "11/28/11 - Suffering Texas Town Will Run Out Of Water In Two Weeks", you are encouraging people to break the laws that govern Weather Modification in the state of Texas. Additionally, it appears that you may have done this yourself in the past according to your own admissions surrounding a "secret experiment" you conducted in 2003 in violation of the Weather Modifications laws in Mexico, as reported by you here: that is the case, if your words do indeed reflect reality, then it seems that the "unwanted" letters you are receiving are part of a lawful campaign intended to communicate to you a respect for the laws, especially those that pertain to environmental protection, and asking you to cease and desist from harmful and illegal actions.
In fact I'm aware that in addition to Texas laws there are US Federal laws that are being violated in this case as well. These laws require that any person or entity engaged in an operation that is reasonably expected to have an influence on the environment, to engage in an Environmental Impact study beforehand, and file it with relevant authorities at the county, state and federal level of Government. Most of those Environmental Impact studies are usually then held up to public scrutiny at open meetings between officials and the public.
2. The letters you are receiving on this issue may be "unwanted" by you, given that they are reminders of the law and of our obligations to environmental harmony, but it's a long stretch to call them "spam".
You and I have a similar problem here. You have published your name and email address INVITING random people unknown to you to send you emails. You did so at this address:'m in similar situation. I receive many hundreds of email items every day. Many of them are spam, but the majority are letters related to the reasons for which my addresses are in the public realm, as yours is.
If you do an online search with my address "" you'll find it brings up 18.500 results: other address, "", brings up 168,000 results: see that a search with your address, "" brings up about 4,300 results: other words, both you and I are expected to receive a lot of email, since our names addresses are published right on the internet and are very widespread all over. Some of the email we receive is directly related to the subjects for which we have a public presence online, and some is not. Among those letters that are not relevant to our subjects, some are spam. But the letters pertaining to our subjects are by any definition emails that we have INVITED people to send us. In your case, you even state so on your contact page:
"We welcome comments, suggestions and useful information which, if relevant to the KeelyNet focus..." see that the letter you sent me was also published as an article by Joel Carlinsky here: material, both in its article format and as a letter, is absolutely relevant to the invitation you have issued in regard to your materials published on KeelyNet. There is no "spam" element here.
3. On the issue of Orgonomy
I am a student of Orgonomy, and have been since 1980. There's a lot about me at the following two links - and much more online, if you wish to explore further about my work, background, etc.:
and'm aware of some of Joel Carlinsky's work, and he and I sometimes exchange views and thoughts on various Orgonomy related themes. A small amount of those can also be found online.
I don't necessarily agree with every view of Joel's, and he certainly does not accept every view of mine. But we both agree on the need for REGULATION of Orgonomic operations, and on the need for education and training of people in the basic concepts and techniques of practicing Orgonomy, as well as - more importantly - on the need to cultivate a deeper personal growth within all of us who do hands-on work in this field, so that we can practice responsibly and wisely.
This last one, cultivation of our character and our personalities, is perhaps even more important than the devices and gadgets: Orgonomic devices and techniques are meaningful only when the subjective and the objective are harmonious; otherwise, we ALWAYS experience disasters.
Disasters can take place in the environment if we don't practice environmental Orgonomy responsibly and wisely (triggering of mega-storms, flooding, hail, etc.), leading to deaths of people and animals, destruction of property and damages to homes, stores, production, agriculture, power and communications systems, roads, etc. Disasters take place when we don't practice political Orgonomy responsibly and wisely (formation of fascist, neo-nazi and stalinist groups, charting of wrong policies for armies, governments or popular movements), leading to deaths, injuries, arrests, torture of individuals and enslavement of entire countries. Disasters take place when we don't practice medical Orgonomy responsibly and wisely (wrong diagnosis, wrong treatments) leading to suicides, deaths, prolonged suffering, loss of income, and iatrogenic pathology (ie. illness caused by the therapy).
All these necessitate more education for Orgonomy practitioners, and regulation, both within the law (by legislation) and outside of it, through Orgonomic peer groups and professional organizations.
Such bodies do not exist yet, but we appeal to people with a conscience to help spread a sense of responsibility and encourage those who are interested to voluntarily assemble to exchange information and updates; treat knowledge and information responsibly; train each other; help to develop and deepen both our understanding and our practice of Orgonomy.
We discourage all practice based on half-knowledge, or incomplete of how the devices operate, why and how they function the way they do. The reason is the extremely high potential for lethal disasters.
But here you are, disseminating information carelessly and without discrimination:
to people who have no understanding or training, and you are not providing any of it either. You are encouraging them to engage in Weather Modification by interfering with the atmospheric orgone without any knowledge on how to do this, where to point the apparatus, what to signs and qualities to look and FEEL for, what to expect. It's not even clear from the encouragement you published if even you know any of this. You are simply telling people to do what you did in Mexico, where by your own admission you left the equipment running for 3 months!4. Legal Dimensions
Given what I've seen of your correspondence with Joel, my understanding is that on this matter legal liability lies on your side, and not his.
If this case were to go to Court, it would be obvious to the Judge or Jury that you are promoting the breaking of environmental protection laws, and Joel is writing to you trying to get you to stop doing that. His is a lawful activity; yours is not.
5. Suggestions
If you don't want to read his letters just toss them (delete), or put them in a special file to study them at a later time, or save them for posterity. You can easily direct your email program to do this automatically so that you won't have to lift a finger; in most email programs nowadays you won't even get to see the letters before they get filed in the appropriate folder.
But my feeling is that somewhere inside you there's a person who cares for life, for nature, for knowledge, and I'd appeal to you to re-consider your approach to Orgonomy. I'd say please stop, for a while at least, any actions until you study up a little so that you can become a good source of guidance to others and until your Orgonomy projects can be safe for all, and productive. And I would ask you to stop encouraging others (who probably know even less than you) to just go out and practice Orgonomy without knowing anything - there's great danger in all that! You even acknowledged that yourself by writing:
" earnest recommendation as with all things, moderation.
When you have enough, take it apart and let nature take over. Don't leave it setup or leave it pointed up into the air or even assembled. As long as there is a circuit, it will be working and so could produce flooding, so take it apart when you have enough, place the tubes horizontally (on the ground is fine) and cap them with foil. "
11/28/11 - Suffering Texas Town Will Run Out Of Water In Two Weeks
www.keelynet.comYour words manifest that there's a person inside you who cares, and I appreciate and respect that. I would like to appeal to that part within you, to please reconsider your direction, perhaps even join us in our efforts to promote more responsible and wise Orgonomic practices.
Thank you,